Dynamic Resource Scheduling Optimization for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications: From Simulation to Experimentation
Service-based management architecture for on-demand creation, configuration, and control of a network slice subnet
Invited talk: “The 5G CONNI Project & Future Plans” by Thomas Haustein at EU-Taiwan Joint 6G SNS Workshop
Invited talk: “6G and the role of expressive languages” by Emilio Calvanese Strinati at 6G Summit Abu Dhabi
Invited talk: “Semantic and goal-oriented communications in 6G Networks” by Emilio Calvanese Strinati at EuCNC
Invited talk: “Semantic and goal-oriented communications via information bottleneck and topology” by Sergio Barbarossa at EuCNC
Webinar “5G Networks in Action – The Private Mobile Era” by Athonet at 5G Academy, Federico II University of Naples
Workshop on Millimeter-Wave Channel and Systems: Next Generation Industrial IoT at IEEE VTC 2020-Fall
6G: The next Frontier : The goal oriented wireless semantic communications revolution – Tutorial at IEEE CCNC 2021
Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks at IEEE ICC 2020
13th International Workshop on Evolutional Technologies & ecosystems for Beyond 5G and 6G at IEEE WCNC 2020
When clouds meet 6G: the academic, industrial and standard perspectives – Industrial Seminar at IEEE Globecom 2019
Dynamic Computation Offloading in Multi-Access Edge Computing via Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications